QUAKET V#&&%%N! The computer culture magazine Skrolli rocks Assembly 2018 with the Skrolli ❤️ Quake tournament

HELSINKI, Finland – August 1st, 2018 – Always the trendy one, this year the Finnish computer culture magazine Skrolli is celebrating esports at Assembly Summer 2018 at the Helsinki Messukeskus with a special Quake tournament. Assembly visitors can experience 1-on-1 deathmatches against fellow party-goers in Quake 1 at the Skrolli booth.
The deathmatches are played on period-correct hardware through Thursday to Saturday and players get to compete for a spot in the grand final at 17:00 on Saturday!
To participate in the Skrolli ❤️ Quake tournament, come to the Skrolli booth in the sponsor area (near Scene Lounge, booth number 14 on the map) and ask for more info!
Together with the Finnish Museum of Games, Skrolli also offers retro arcade action throughout the weekend. Meanwhile, those with more of a hacker mindset can tackle the Disobey challenge at our booth. Can you solve the puzzle and win a prize?
Also, we have the latest Skrolli International Edition magazine (2017.1E) on discount – for those who know the secret demoscene handshake. Come shake our hands.
Our Finnish readers can read more about what’s on offer on the Skrolli blog.
Play like it’s the last day of summer!
UPDATE 5.8.2018: Video: Skrolli ❤️ Quake tournament grand final (Assembly Summer 2018)
About Skrolli
Skrolli is a computing culture magazine on paper and digital that is produced mainly by volunteers. Skrolli focuses on subjects that are disregarded in the mainstream media, such as DIY culture, hardware hacking, and the different subcultures of computer users. The magazine has an English version – the Skrolli International Edition – as well as a Finnish edition, simply known as Skrolli.